Secratic Webinar Series #2: Building a Privacy Program

Register now for the next in the series of webinars presented by Secratic. This one is for businesses and other organisations (including but not limited to: state/local government groups, university/educational organisations, and more) that have been trying to better understand what it takes to bring more structure into their organisation around privacy. Compliance requirements are continuing to increase with GDPR and CCPA, and smaller organisations are equally required to comply as large enterprises.

In this webinar, we will go over the basic steps needed to get a privacy program in place, and attendees can decide how to scale them into their respective organisations. We will also review some of the fundamentals of the most common regulations affecting privacy, GDPR (Europe) and CCPA (California) to clear some myths and better understand whether organisations are subject to the regulations, even if they are not physically located in either Europe or California. We will also have time for questions, so please bring the things that you have been wondering.

"How to Build a Privacy Program" is free to attend and will take place on Thursday 9 January 2020, at 11:00 AM Eastern US time, which is 9:00 AM Mountain US time and 16:00 GMT/London time. Please use this link to register.


Webinar Replay: How to Build a Privacy Program


The Business Value of Trust and Privacy