Announcing the Secratic Webinar Series
We are excited to announce the first in a series of upcoming webinars to help growing businesses begin to tackle important security and privacy topics that are important for organisations, regardless of size. We will begin on 4 September 2019 with a webinar entitled Incident Response: Proactive is the Best Medicine. This session will help attendees to be proactive and think about actions that can be taken now to minimise the impact of a malware or ransomware attack or data breach in your organisation, and to be prepared in knowing how you will deal with it when it does, including technical response, outside resources to have on standby, and communications with affected customers.Future webinars will include the basics of establishing a privacy program, reviewing how data is used and shared within your organization, and building trust in your brand through visible, transparent security and privacy practices.Register via our Eventbrite page.We also have created an Events page on that lists all events, including this and future sessions in the webinar series, as well as opportunities to hear people from Secratic present in person or online.Check out our Events page.And don't forget to sign up for the Secratic Newsletter, which will contain the announcements of future webinars, as well as timely information about information security and privacy, data and risk management, and information about how Secratic can help guide the security and privacy programs within your organization.Sign up for the Secratic Newsletter